Note regarding comments

I love comments. I enjoy debate. I welcome both praise and thoughtful criticism. However, I've had to change comments-permissions to require self-identification. No more anonymous messages, please!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


We're finally in California! The move from Utah was "only" 700 miles or so, but it required far more time and energy than expected.

Our Center for White Rose Studies has moved with us. Or we've moved with it, depending on one's point of view. Still very much in transition, with archival material in a PODS storage unit somewhere (don't ask, don't tell), and very-temporary living quarters for all of us.

No writing therefore at present, but we've been networking at three times the clip we could manage in Utah. Californians seem to understand the value of Holocaust studies, a concept beyond the grasp of most people we met in Utah. Sadly...

Because now that we are back in an environment where that value goes beyond lip service, we can see, feel, touch the results of the lessons it imparts. "Holocaust education" teaches us the critical nature of fighting injustice, of nipping 'wrong' in the bud before it seeds and takes root. "Holocaust education" encourages compassion, it opens our hearts to the Other, it causes us to throw our arms around those who are suffering.

"Holocaust education" looks at the past, and in our reflexive NEVER AGAIN, nie wieder!, it forces us to go beyond ourselves in the present and tackle issues far outside our comfort zone. Which in turn makes this a better world for our children and grandchildren - in the future.

I sincerely hope you enjoy this blog. Remember that as I write, I am always addressing myself first. Change must begin with me. If in the process, you get something out of it? Wow... This old world had better watch out!

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