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Friday, June 19, 2009

Clearing cobwebs

I like that concept... clearing cobwebs! Bright sunshine and cloudless skies can (and usually do) contribute greatly to cobweb-clearing. Add in good food and people you love, and it's hard to ask for more.

J&S showed up today shortly before noon. We drove up to Malibu, one of those places where nature and human creativity have carved out a haven for art, simple beauty, and way-too-expensive (but fun) grownup toys. Reminded that they live in a part of this world where hate still reigns, where the Holocaust is denied, and human life is not valued more than oil wells and mosques. They may pay half what we do for gasoline, but I wouldn't trade places with them.

Fun to hug necks and catch up on too many missed memories.

Also reminded as I began to pen these words that those students of the White Rose also enjoyed days much like today. Ammersee and Chiemsee may have substituted for Malibu, but the 'concept' is the same.

Occasionally, we simply must allow Nature to breathe new life into our Being.

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